
Ifyou'reunabletofindwhatyou'relookingforintheHelpCenter,wesuggestvisitingourCommunityHelpForum.Experiencingabug?Takealookatour ...,AYouTubechannelisterminatedifitaccruesthreeCommunityGuidelinesstrikesin90days,hasasinglecaseofsevereabuse(suchaspredatorybehavior),or ...,2016年9月14日—YouTubeCommunity為一輕量級的社群功能,允許頻道主人張貼文字、即時影片、影像、動畫或其他內容,以方便頻道主人與粉絲...

Contact Us

If you're unable to find what you're looking for in the Help Center, we suggest visiting our Community Help Forum. Experiencing a bug? Take a look at our ...

YouTube Community Guidelines enforcement

A YouTube channel is terminated if it accrues three Community Guidelines strikes in 90 days, has a single case of severe abuse (such as predatory behavior), or ...

YouTube也有自己的社群了,YouTube Community上線測試

2016年9月14日 — YouTube Community為一輕量級的社群功能,允許頻道主人張貼文字、即時影片、影像、動畫或其他內容,以方便頻道主人與粉絲交流, 訂閱該頻道的粉絲還可設定 ...

Learn about Community posts

Community posts can include polls, quizzes, GIFs, text, images, and video. Community posts can allow you to connect with your audience outside of video uploads.


Welcome to the official Community YouTube Channel! Enjoy popular clips from the series, the funniest moments, pranks and fails.

YouTube 的《社群規範》和各項政策

YouTube《社群規範》的宗旨是確保社群的安全,當中明訂了YouTube 允許及禁止的內容,且適用於平台上的所有內容類型,包括影片、留言、連結和縮圖。

YouTube Community

Community Guides · How to Recover Access to your YouTube Channel (Actually your Google Account) · TLfU's Best Practice Series | Creating a YouTube Product for a ...